Sweet Revolution (Mithi Kranti)- Steps towards doubling farmers Income

Blog By - Team MyGov,
May 27, 2019

Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has the vision that our country needs a ‘sweet revolution’ after the White Revolution, Green Revolution, Blue Revolution, ‘Sweet Revolution‘ is a strategic step to emphasize the increase in honey production in the state, which can be a major contributor to doubling the income of the farmers.

With the increase in income, the production of crops will also increase by 15%.

Purpose of sweet revolution
• To make Jharkhand state in the category of developed states by 2022.
• Providing employment by connecting the farmers of the state with bee keeping.
• To increase agriculture and horticulture yield and income of farmers.
• To make the state the leading state in the field of honey production.
• Children free from malnutrition.
• Production of quality honey.

Sweet Revolution in Jharkhand State
• Jharkhand is the best state to implement sweet revolution and there is huge potential for honey production.
• Approximately 30% of land is covered by forest which is the most important resource for honey production.
• State’s climate is suitable for honey production.
• There is abundant number of crops, fruits, vegetables, wild trees, eucalyptus, karanj, semer, neem, sisam etc. which is the best from the point of view of beekeeping.

World honey market – a glimpse
• The total honey market value is $ 500 million and by 2025 the market is expected to reach $ 1130 million
• Major consumption market is found in Europe, North America and China.
• Honey Market is increasing @ 10.7% CAGR.
• Indian honey market demand is in USA, UAE and Europe

Sweet Revolution – Action Plan

Plan approval
• Rs. 100 crores administrative approval for the year 2018-19. Under this scheme more than 12000 farmers will be benefitted.
• Rs 10 crores has been allocated.
• Under the scheme 1207 beneficiaries will be benefitted in the first phase.
• District wise targets have already been prepared.

Selection of farmers
The farmers will be selected through the Chief Minister small and micro industries Board

Training of farmers
• Farmers will be trained for beekeeping and production through our training centers.
• Apart from this Birsa Agricultural University, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, will be trained through other Notified Agencies.

Unit distribution
• Each unit will be given a unit
• Each unit will have 20 bee colony, 20 honey boxes and one honey extract machine.
• Government will give 80% subsidy and share of beneficiary will be only 20%
• Each farmer will be given Rs. 80000 / – against a total unit cost of Rs. 100000 / – and farmers will have to contribute only Rs. 20000 / -.

Processing / Production / Marketing Support:
• The Jharkhand government will help farmers in the field of honey processing and marketing.
• There are 7 processing units of different agencies in the state and they will help the farmers in the processing of raw honey
• The state government will connect farmers with APEDA, Government of India especially for honey exports.

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