mAadhaar: One mobile App for Aadhaar related services

Blog By - Team MyGov,
May 8, 2020

Like it has done in many spheres of life, your smartphone can now help you get several Aadhaar services easily. The mAadhaar App, with over 35 Aadhaar services, offers a convenient and quick way of availing services online.

Carry your Aadhaar in your phone

From carrying your identity in your phone to changing address on your Aadhaar online, the mAadhaar App sure makes life easy for over 125 crore Aadhaar holders. The App is available on both Google Play Store and the App Store and has already seen 10Million + downloads till date.

The mAadhaar App can be put to optimum use if your mobile number is registered with Aadhaar, but even if it isn’t you can still use basic services which do not require an OTP to be sent.

Let’s take a look at some of the services that can be availed via mAadhaar, on the go:

Download the mAadhaar App today and enjoy all these services, seamlessly.

More Aadhaar services with registered mobile number

Psst! It’s a good idea to add your mobile number to your Aadhaar as you can avail services requiring an OTP, with ease. Use your mAadhaar app to book an appointment at a nearby Aadhaar Kendra for the update.

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