Winner Announcement Blog for Spice It Up Quiz

Blog By - Team MyGov,
August 7, 2021

Path Breaking Reforms under the dynamic leadership of Hon’ble PM Narendra Modi have successfully provided a big boost to entrepreneurship in India.

The 2020 edition of the World Bank Report on Ease of Doing Business acknowledged India as one of the top 10 improvers, the third time in a row, with an improvement of 67 ranks in 3 years. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has had a big role to play in this.

The bold initiatives taken by the Ministry have not only brought transformational changes in the Government Process Re-engineering (GPR) but have also resulted in the reduction in the number of processes and time taken for Starting a Business in the country.

In order to help the stakeholders derive greater benefits of the Ease of  Doing Business and to enthuse common citizens towards such initiatives, the Ministry in collaboration with MyGov organized the SPICE IT UP QUIZ Competition.

The Quiz was conducted as a part of the activities on investor education and protection from 26th January to 27th February 2021 by Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs in coordination with ‘MyGov’. The quiz Competition was undertaken to raise awareness about various aspects of Ease of Doing Business and to promote financial literacy.

Although the Gratification details mentioned the declaration of 10 Winners, after seeing the spirit & enthusiasm of the participants, it was decided that a list of 20 winners must be declared and Certificates should be given to them.

Additionally, in order to encourage all the participants, Participation Certificates will be issued to all.

The details of the above Quiz Contests are given below:

A. Quiz contest for the Duration – 26th Jan to 27thFeb 2021

B. The above Quiz Contests received an overwhelming response from the public. The total no. of participation for:

  • 47,510 participants for the Spice it up Quiz are below 18 years of age.
  • The Quiz saw 55.2% male participation.
  • 3,462 participants have spent 0 to 30 seconds on the Quiz
  • 265 participants have secured 10 out of 10 marks
  • Highest participation has been received from Delhi at 10,987

C. The top 20 Participants for ‘Spice It Up Quiz’ are:

User ID Display Name
37538844 AvniMahajan
35638014 HaziqueMujtaba
18069834 Sudipta_Das_19
37390674 ReemaPathak
16642084 S_gokula_Bala
37808194 AkashGautamKarle
12268044 Babu_Js
37049054 Joyal_4
37666624 MayurMoze
23648844 Competitive_intelligence
37479084 Ansalna
25414504 Fit_n_fine_gym_fitness_for_all
37484314 Vanshkumarverma
422483 Ankit_Gupta_24
9930344 Aswin_sharon
25815554 GATLA_Akansha


Ministry of Corporate Affairs and MyGov would like to congratulate the winners and thank all the participants for their overwhelming response.

 Lastly, we would like to urge you all to Stay Safe, follow COVID Appropriate Behaviour, and visit: for all the latest information around COVID-19.

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