Announcing the top participants of Padma Awards 2020 Quiz and Padma Awards 2021 Quiz

Blog By - Team MyGov,
March 17, 2022

Over the last few years, Padma Awards have obtained a sense of inviolability with the government giving more importance to the work the nominees did, than to their identities.

Ministry of Home Affairs, in collaboration with MyGov, launched the Padma Awards 2020 Quiz and Padma Awards 2021 Quiz to celebrate the outstanding work of the Awardees who were conferred with Padma Awards.

The Padma Awards 2020 Quiz and Padma Awards 2021 Quiz were launched on MyGov as an initiative to create awareness about Padma Awards & Awardees.

The Top Participants of both the quizzes shall get a once-in-a -lifetime opportunity to meet and interact with the Padma Awardees 2022.

The Padma Awards 2020 Quiz received an overwhelming response, with more than 16,114 citizens participating. Out of these, below mentioned 5 participants are the top participants.

User ID Name State/UT
22854324 Ekta Golchha Delhi
2267894 Ashok Kumar Dey Assam
301218 Bisathi Bharath Andhra Pradesh
38902344 Swadhin Kumar Purohit Odisha
18464064 Vani Karnataka


The Padma Awards 2021 Quiz received an overwhelming response, with more than 14,290 citizens participating. Out of these, below mentioned 5 participants are the top participants.

User ID Name State/UT
38949874 Gouranga Chandra Dey Tripura
178701 Udhaya Kumar Tamil Nadu
38470444 Raj Lakshmi Khess Jharkhand
683817 M Vinay Kumar Telangana
870666 Anjana Kerala

MyGov congratulates and thanks all the participants for their contribution, and encourages them to take part in future MyGov activities.

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