Announcing Winners for India Innovation Challenge 2016 Semifinals

Blog By - Team MyGov,
May 9, 2017

Engineering students to startup entrepreneurs

India is currently witnessing a tech entrepreneurial wave with innovations coming to the fore; young India is tackling various socio-economic issues through them. The most disruptive of them have the potential to change the way we live and can create a sustainable future for the generations to come. We need an ecosystem of support to nurture these startup ideas and empower them to change the world. The Make in India & Startup India initiative, launched by our Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi is an attempt to support and celebrate the entrepreneurial spirit of the Indian youth.

The India Innovation Challenge Design Contest (IICDC), launched by Texas Instruments India in association with the Department Of Science And Technology and Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB) provides young tech entrepreneurs with an ecosystem and support to nurture their entrepreneurial spirit and an opportunity to leverage their talent and convert their innovation to a startup.

This year the contest has garnered participation from 25 states across India, from 624 colleges and 11000 enthusiastic students, of these 428 teams made it through to the Quarter Finals. 55 teams of student innovators moved up to the semifinal stage; 25 of whom showcased their innovations in Delhi and rest of the participants presented their revolutionary ideas in Bangalore. Pictures from the event are available from here: Delhi | Bangalore

The aforementioned energy and enthusiasm of the students were on full display during the semifinals as they presented their product prototypes and their business plans which were solution to several socially relevant problems with agriculture like soil erosion, low yield, lack of irrigation etc. Some innovation focused on tackling the problem of unhygienic public toilets, while yet another innovation seeks to improve the everyday life of an average passenger who takes the bus to commute to work.

The panel of evaluators at the event comprised of experts from NSRCEL, IIM Bangalore and startup gurus and leaders from Industry who evaluated the ideas, prototypes and strategies put forth by the aspiring entrepreneurs against a framework encompassing Business, Technology and Innovation. The grand finals will be held at IIM Bangalore in July 2017 where the top ten innovative ideas will be chosen to script their chapters in the Make in India story. View the list of finalists here

If you have an innovative idea, a dream to create something new, and the ambition to make a difference to how we live, then we invite you to participate in the next edition of the DST & Texas Instruments Inc. India Innovation Challenge Design Contest, Anchored by IIM Bangalore.

Innovate with India, change the world!

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