Announcing Winners of Short Animation Film and Digital Wallpaper Design Contests

Blog By - Team MyGov,
June 30, 2022

As a part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav celebrations, DRDO conducted “Short Animation Film Design” and “Digital Wallpaper Design” contests on the theme of ‘DRDO products and DRDO’s role in Nation Building’.

These contests were conducted in two categories, for any individual citizen of India and for school & college students.

Contests were launched from 15th Nov 2021 to 15th Dec 2021. On popular demands and enthusiasm shown by the students the contests were extended till 31st Dec 2022.

An overwhelming response for the contest is received from across the country. After due evaluation by an independent team, the list of winners is finalised.

DRDO is happy to announce the final list of winners of the Short Animation Film Design and Digital Wallpaper Design Contests.

Click here to see the list of winners for Digital Wallpaper Design contest.

Click here to see the list of winners for Short Animation Film Design contest.

DRDO appreciates all the participants for participating in both these contests.

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