Bhojpur launches Swachh Aadtein Kitab

Blog By - Team MyGov,
October 28, 2019

Bhojpur district of Bihar has come out with a comic book for students of classes 1-5 titled ‘Swachh Aadtein Kitab’ to inculcate hygienic behaviour among children from their formative years. The book which contains a 21-day programme on various sanitation aspects comes with a tracker that helps measure progress.

Sponsored by Hindustan Unilever, the book which was launched on 22nd January, 2019 is a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) offering of the organisation which has printed over a lakh copies to be distributed in all primary schools of Bhojpur.

Speaking at the launch, District Magistrate Mr. Sanjeev Kumar explained that it takes about 21 days for a habit to form owing to which, the book has a 21 days programme covering aspects such as the role played by germs in spreading disease, the importance of handwashing , the need to drink clean drinking water, toilet etiquette, etc.
He added that efforts are being made to make the book a part of the school curriculum across the district.

Deputy Development Commissioner (DDC), Mr. Shashank Shubhankar said that the interactive and activity based book would facilitate learning through play and create Bal Senas (child sanitation warriors) amongst the village communities, as a step towards ensuring ODF (open defecation free) sustainability.

According to ZSBP (Zila Swachh Bharat Prerak) Bhojpur, Mr. Nikhil Singh, the book would grab the eyes and ears of students, helping to create a value system that that they would retain all through their lives.
Over the next 21 days, sanitation expert, Mr. Nikhil Atale would hold workshops in all the 14 blocks for teachers and block officials to train them on book usage, ways to monitor the same, gauge students’ response and study impact.

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