Dear Ponjekaars, Come Build Your Smart City

Blog By - Team MyGov,
December 2, 2015

Dear Ponjekaars, Come Build Your Smart City

The Ministry of Urban Development has selected Panaji to submit its Smart City Proposal and participate in the 100 Smart Cities Challenge

As the next step, Panaji now has to get shortlisted in the final round of the MoUD’s Smart City Challenge, where 20 other cities would be selected to be developed in the first year.

It was imperative to formulate its own unique vision, mission and plan under the Smart City Challenge.
Hence CCP had to start engaging with citizens across various platforms to gather feedback and suggestions towards the smart development of the city

Therefore a Press conference was held on 13th October 2015 by MLA (Panaji) and Commissioner & Mayor of CCP.

Dear Ponjekaars, Come Build Your Smart City

Following announcements were made at press conference.

  1. After a thorough assessment, ICLEI South Asia has been shortlisted as the consultants who will be working on the Smart City Challenge Proposal.
  2. Date for Launch Workshop was declared where stakeholders and citizens will come together
  3. Segmentation of the city in eight zones – Mala, Ribandar, Caranzalem, Tonca, Bhatlem, Miramar & Campal,  Altinho & Boca de Vaca and St Inez, with information kiosks in those zones to collect feedback and comments.
  4. A Smart City cell has been set up at Nalanda hall for public consultations on daily basis.
  5. An essay completion has also been planned for school and college students to share their vision and aspiration for the city. 

Smart City Kiosks

9 kiosks are located at strategic locations at nine zones within the city. My Idea boxes have been set up at zonal kiosks where citizens are encouraged to submit their ideas/comments at the idea box. The kiosks are promoted by the councillors who engage ward members to pen down their suggestions. A team of 24 smart volunteers have been manning the kiosks on a regular basis. 

Dear Ponjekaars, Come Build Your Smart City
Dear Ponjekaars, Come Build Your Smart City

A total strength of 12,000 odd citizens engaged with our kiosks.

Focused group discussion & Public Consultancy

A Smart City cell has been set up at Nalanda hall, 5th floor, EDC House where public consultations and focus group discussions (FGD) are being held on a daily basis with various government departments, citizens groups, differently abled, NGOs, senior citizen, environmentalists and various business sectors.


The citizens reach out was bifurcated in following manner:

1. FGD with health, food, education, civil supply

13th Oct 2015

2. FGD with Planning Dept, Health, Education (schools, college etc.)

13th Oct 2015

3. Panaji Smart City Challenge Launch Workshop

14th Oct 2015

4. FGDs with women groups

17th Oct 2015

5. FGDs with Architects and Culture experts

17th Oct 2015

6. FGDs with Environmentalists, Petroleum, Industries

17th Oct 2015

7. FGD with Traders

17th Oct 2015

8. FGDs in slums and informal sector

18th Oct 2015

9. FGD with real estate agents, builders

18th Oct 2015

10. FGD with Senior citizen

18th Oct 2015

11. FGDs with Tourists (Restaurants, Tourism department, hotels, casinos, bars, musicians, beach recreation areas, coast guard, etc.)

19th Oct 2015

12. Discussions with Water department, PWD

19th Oct 2015

13. FGD with NGOs and disability group

19th Oct 2015


Smart City Panaji task force members i.e. Ms. Oreena & Shri. Ketan Kenkre from GSIDC and Ms. Meesha, Shri. Keshav and Shri. Clive from ICLEI facilitated these discussions.

Panaji Smart City Challenge LAUNCH WORKSHOP brings stakeholders and citizens together to ideate on smart ideas. 

Panaji, 14th October 2015:  The Panaji Smart City Challenge Campaign kicked off with a daylong workshop organised by the CCP in Panaji. The dignitaries on the dice were Deputy Chief Minister Shri. Francis D’souza; Mayor of CCP,  MLA of Panaji City and Commissioner, CCP.


To begin with, awareness was created about what is SMART CITY and what are its features.

Further, there was brief on what are MoUD’s expectations from City Proposal and what are Panaji’s expectations from its stakeholders and citizens. 


Smart City Panaji task force members i.e. Ms. Minima, Shri. Laximan, Shri. Vishwanath, Ms. Neha and Shri. Eshwar from GSIDC along with ICLEI South Asia consultants facilitated this event.


Six key sectors – Transport, Governance, Heritage and Culture, Waste Management, Biodiversity and Economy & Employment – were highlighted, discussed and deliberated in detail by the stakeholders and citizens.