Draft Smart City Proposal for Diu (U.T. of Daman &Diu)

Blog By - Team MyGov,
December 18, 2015


Diu City a city of tiny island Diu District of U.T. Administration of Daman & Diu has been selected for Smart City mission-2015 in stage-I.

Diu Municipal Council has started citizen initiatives under stage-II for preparation of Smart City proposal to make “Diu” a Smart City as per the Smart City mission guideline. The followings are the initiatives initiated by DMC-Diu for active citizen participation.

  1. Meeting of councilors were held at Council Hall of DMC-Diu on 26/11/2015 briefing Smart City Mission guideline.
  2. Meeting of Govt. officers and leading citizen, DMC-Councilors, representatives of Associations were held in Chairmanship of District Collector, Diu On 27/11/2015.
  3. Information Pamphlets & suggestions forms for Smart City DIU were distributed in all 13 wards of Diu City area among the citizen, experts, officers & councilors to give their suggestive feedbacks.
  4. Press advertisement were also published for inviting citizen for active participation to give their valuable suggestions of their needs.
  5. Hording were also fixed on the city area for public information.
  6. City Announcement in the area DMC-Diu has also been undertaken for three days announcing citizen to give their feedback to make Diu a Smart City.
  7. The Citizen Initiatives for Smart City Diu has been launched on website mygov.in on diu.gov.in and also on DMC-Diu website diumunicipalcouncil.com including Facebook account and mobile account on Whatsup for submitting their suggestion online.
  8. Essay and Drawing competition were held on 02/12/2015 among the school students and citizen.
  9. The consultant has assessed the suggestions received from the citizen and derived vision and need of priority for preparation of Smart City proposal considering Area based development & PAN city solution.
  10. The Vision derived in the possess of Smart City Initiatives for Diu is
    “To develop Diu as a zero carbon footprint city & promote as tourist destination, preserving its heritage and enhance the social & economic living of citizens by guiding the development in sustainable manner, conserving eco-fragile areas & inviting investments”.

  11. The consultant has prepared the Draft Smart City proposal for area based development and Pan City solution considering the suggestions of citizen needs, in the various sectors of citizen need and future demands.
  12. Under Round-3 of Smart City challenges, the Draft Smart City proposal has been presented for information & suggestions at city level before Diu city Councilors, Govt. officers, Leading citizen, Representatives of corporate/private associations and citizen in the Auditorium Hall of Diu Municipal Council, Diu under Chairmanship of Diu District Collector, President DMC-Diu on 08/12/2015.
  13. Draft Smart City proposal were then presented before U.T. Level “High Powered Screening Committee” (HPSC) on 10/12/2015 at conference Hall, secretariat, Daman, under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Administrator, U.T. of Daman and Diu & DNH, for its finalization for submission to MoUD.
  14. Draft Smart City proposal for Diu city (Diu Municipal Council, Diu) has been prepared by the consultant is works out for total amount of Rs. 464.38 Crores and the presentation of Draft SCP is placed here for citizen information.

Click here to view presentation >>

  • usericon
    Rajesh Krishnamurthy Iyer - 9 years ago

    Diu is a beautiful tourist place for travelers. Although there are several good resorts and hotels, the nagwa beach has to be beatified and we need to have excellent hospitals and schools and colleges.

    Transportation from major and nearby cities also is the need of the hour.

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    MYBYK - 9 years ago

    To establish Diu as an attractive tourist destination, one needs to create a distinctive identity and true to its nature, ‘isle de calma’ is its true identity. And nothing endorses this identity better than a bicycle. To be truly smart, what diu needs is a permanent bike share system. The successful pilot currently being undertaken by us on the sideline of ‘Festa de diu’ has clearly established the need and its time administration scales it up.

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    Rajesh Krishnamurthy Iyer - 9 years ago

    Need a specific plan and implementation for execution of all project activities for a smart city. Need public transport such as overhead bullet trains in order to avoid traffic jams in the heart of the city areas.

    Need basic amenities such as good schools, hospitals, safety measures, job opportunities, good hotels, restaurants, recreations and children’s parks.

    Also needs to be well connected to main cities of the state and other cities.

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    Sachin Mundra - 9 years ago

    Is there any central guidelines provided by the government that should be implemented as bare minimum for the city to be called a smart city? Where can I find such information? It seems to be that every city is making its own plans and as a result loosing out on economies of scope.

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    SHESHNATH RAI_1 - 9 years ago

    HONRABLE sir! i want to develop AZAMGARH U.P. as smart city on centra goverment project….
    our AZAMGARH YOUTH expects job opportunities from central authority bcoz here is talents is avalable butb job opportunity is not available …nothing any small or large private or goverment sector are available
    to gave job opportunity to our azamgarh youths…
    i welcomed ur "DIVYAANG"words nd me and my all frnds participated indian youth festival also…
    thankyou sir !

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    AMIT PARMAR - 9 years ago

    1) Diu is very good,nice & descent places. required proper connectivity via road,train & seaway. due to increase tourism & business hub. 2) good smart city means required good job opportunities so required offices related local & global jobs.3) naturally very good environment also required some animal park & enjoyment water park. their is available old structures etc. it’s good for tourism attraction. thank you.

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