Blog on Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana is Successfully Fulfilling Dreams India has long since faced a housing shortage. Urban slums have been on the rise ever since. In rural India, kutcha houses are the norm. Crores of Indians dream of sleeping under an assured pucca roof over their heads. With the coming of the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana on 25th June 2015, many such dreams have been fulfilled.
Under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana – Urban (PMAY-U), 122.69 Lakh houses have been sanctioned and 60.15 lakh houses have been completed. While under The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana- Gramin (PMAY-G), 2.28 crore houses have been sanctioned, out of which 1.75 crore houses have been built. The progress in around seven years is exemplary indeed. Lower income groups have benefitted the most. Another significant hallmark is that eighty percent of these sanctioned houses are owned by women. The PMAY scheme thus empowers women and strives to give them either full ownership or joint ownership. The scheme has also been highly profitable for minorities, single women, the old and disabled and transgender people.
This scheme also provides relief from other scathing problems of water shortage and lack of toilets. The PMAY jointly operates with the Jal Jeevan Mission, to provide clean drinking water. Along with the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Scheme, LPG is bestowed upon house owners. The much celebrated Swachh Bharat Mission ensures that each house is fashioned with a toilet.
While efforts to ensure that every citizen can avail the scheme is being carried out by the government, we as fellow citizens can spread the word and do our bit. We could visit old age homes, shelters and other slum dominated areas and encourage others to utilize this extremely beneficial scheme.
2) “A house is a home when it shelters the body and comforts the soul” Very beautiful words said by “Phillip Moffitt” on the love of every creature living on the blue surface So,
The motive to feel the love called home and give comfort to all the people of India comes under EWS/LIG and MIG categories including the slum dwellers by ensuring a pucca house for all eligible urban households. A Huge vocation termed Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana a flagship Mission of the Government of India being implemented with thousands of dreams in people and officials to make it a success by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA), was launched on 25th June 2015.
The mission addresses urban housing which intends to provide housing for all in urban areas by the year 2022.
The Pradhan Mantri Awas yojana is proving a blessing for many to fulfil the long-awaited dream of owning a house. Sharing one of the stories of labour from Washim District, Maharashtra who could not afford to buy his own house.
He got to know through the local Gram Panchayat, that he has been allotted a house under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. Chand submitted all the required documents and immediately obtained permission to start the construction work.
Soon after obtaining the first instalment, Chand started the construction work. Today, Chand and his family have their own house and they are thankful to Prime Minister for the help. So by this is why the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana is successfully fulfilling the dreams of people to get their own house.
Coming over to how this yojana can be more and more transferred to the citizens so that they can take the benefits and make the mission a successful one with a moto “House for all” We can do many things to spread the scheme ear to ear like publish each and everything documents, people eligible in local newspaper, Inform the people on phone calls, and in government buildings to aware people more about the scheme Some of the information is listed below about the yojana.
How to apply for PMAY?
You can apply for the yojana through the following:
- Visit the official website of the scheme to apply online
- Fill the form available through Common Service Centre (CSC)
What are the documents required to apply for PMAY?
- Proof of identity
- Proof of address
- Proof of income
- Proof of purchase of the property
Who are the beneficiaries under the PMAY?
- Women
- Scheduled Caste
- Scheduled Tribe
- Economically Weaker Section
- Low Income Group Population
- Medium Income Group 1
- Medium Income Group 2
So, by this way a big hand is lifted up by the government of India to help its own people now the responsibility comes to every citizen to be aware of the scheme and take the benefit JAY HIND! JAY BHARAT!
3) “Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana is not just merely building houses. This is a significant step in making the dreams of the poor come true.” – Hon’ble Prime Minister, Narendra Modi
“Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana is not just merely building houses. This is a significant step in making the dreams of the poor come true.” – Hon’ble Prime Minister, Narendra Modi Home is an economic want of a human being. Other than food and clothing, it forms one of the basic necessities of life which unfortunately however remains a dream for the underprivileged section of the society. Aligning with this dream to meet the reality and destination, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana was launched as a flagship scheme of the Government of India. Ever since its initiation, this scheme has been instrumental in providing affordable housing facilities to the weaker sections of the society, thereby acting as a ray of light for them. With the target of building 2 crore affordable houses by 2022 and encompassed with two components- Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban), Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Gramin), around 1.75 crore, 60.15 lakh houses have already been completed in rural and urban areas respectively through this scheme.
This well- designed program aiming to benefit the economy has seeped into the deeper levels of the society and has been fruitful in improving the standard of living and eradicating poverty. The benefit of the scheme applies to homeless applicants belonging to certain income groups. Moreover, homes are provided at subsidized interest rates so that the scheme could easily be connected to the weaker sections of the society and help them transform their lives. With a shelter under the head, one can think of fulfilling wants and necessities step by step. A desire to sow the seed of a good future initially comes to one’s mind which he/she/they nourishes with hard work, indomitable spirit, patience and later, a better future is seen ripening. Thus, dreams of a good life, both explicitly and implicitly are moulded through Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. Moreover, sticking to its objective of replacing slum settlements with concrete houses, this scheme also encourages the slum dwellers to choose formal urban settlements over residential neighbourhood which in a way helps in slum rehabilitation. Other than this, a primary feature of this scheme is that it makes a woman’s ownership of the house a mandatory one and highlights that a house should be registered in a woman’s name even when she is not buying the property, thereby reflecting the idea of financial security of women and helping them to be an equal ally in aligning desires with reality.
Although, no doubt, this scheme has helped a number of people to get affordable housing facilities, many people are unaware of such a scheme. As active and woke citizens, we can make people aware about PMAY through pamphlets, podcasts, door to door campaign. Meaningful summary of the scheme can be highlighted through common means of communication like newspaper, radio, television. The government has set up a simple process for economically weaker sections, low-income groups, middle income groups to apply for a house under this scheme. The terms and conditions of the scheme could be explained in simpler terms by hosting group meetings, organizing street plays, etc. With the vision of boosting the sectors of the society, ameliorating the way of living, eradicating poverty, the government has invested around 8.31 lakh crore rupees to make this scheme a success, so, we, the citizens of India can also through united efforts take small but qualitative steps to educate people about the benefits of this scheme. Given that, little drops of water make the mighty ocean.
4) Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana was launched on 1st June 2015 with a view to provide affordable housing for all the sections of society by 2022 irrespective of castes and religions, basically for economically weaker sections of the society including less income people, who do not have any pucca(concrete) house.
Apart from food and clothing, house is the most important basic necessity of every individual. A house provides us protection and we feel comfortable when we live in a house having basic facilities like proper water connection, electricity and toilet. Under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, people are getting all these basic necessities.
The main objective of the scheme is to convert the houses of the slums in the urban areas to pucca houses. Slums belonging to state government, national government or private sectors are taken up for insitu redevelopment. The scheme has credit related subsidy system under which the eligible poor sections get loan for home construction or purchase at very low interest rates. The scheme gives secure financial future to women by encouraging them to apply for loans and become homeowners. The assistance of one lakh and fifty thousand Rupees is provided to each economically weaker section (EWS) house by the central government, if the project in the area consists of thirty five percent majority of economically weaker section and also to those eligible individuals of EWS, who are unable to take any benefit from the mission. The Economically weaker sections, Middle Income Groups and Lower Income Groups are considered as beneficiaries under this scheme. The houses are constructed by using environment friendly materials and techniques, which cause very less damage to the surrounding environment of the construction site. The houses are constructed by following the standards provided in National Building Code and Bureau of Indian standards. The scheme covers nearly four thousand forty one legislative towns and five hundred class one cities of India. The Scheme has already crossed the target of one crore houses out of the demand of one crore and twelve lakhs houses in the urban areas.
We as the citizens of India can also contribute in Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana in many ways. As the participation of real estate is very less in this initiative, we can organize public relation campaigns for inclusion of private sector into public private partnership, which will lead to the faster implementation of the scheme. The surplus land which comes under government should be used for housing purpose in order to solve the problem of unavailability of land. The poor people, who are getting benefit from this scheme should be given good education and work, so that they should not rent the obtained house to anyone and again go back to slum and beg.
As an individual, we can help poor people to get the benefit of this scheme by sharing relevant information about the scheme with them. We can inform them about the eligibility criteria and about the procedures of filling the application form to avail the scheme. We can share with them the benefits of this scheme for women and also about the assistance provided by the government under this scheme. If their Aadhaar Card or any of the documents are not complete yet, we can help them to get it by taking them to nearby centre. We can give them a brief view about the change in their life after having their own house with basic necessities.
Most of the poor people who beg in the streets are not familiar with the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana scheme due to lack of technology like television, smart phone, internet and newspapers. They beg whole day to get meals for them and some of them even do not get meals for the day, due to which they suffer and die. Many of them we can see simply resting on streets, near railway stations, Bus stations and many of them near temples. I personally believe, government need to first conduct rehabilitation camps in large numbers in different parts of the country, where beggars can get temporary shelter till they are able understand and finally get the benefits of the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Scheme.
[These are 4 different blogs collated as a single blog written by our MyGov Interns Ahana, Akansha Yadav, Amisha and Aayush Negi respectively.]