Empowerment of Women & Development of Arunachal Pradesh

Blog By - Team MyGov,
July 1, 2019

Women play a vital role around the world. First, she is a daughter and a sister, then a wife and then a mother. Women empowerment is a social and economic empowerment platform that enables women to enjoy their right to control and benefit from the resources, assets, income and their own time, as well as the ability to manage risk and improve their economic status, well being and invest in income-generating activities. This combination of economic and social empowerment positions them as leaders and decision-makers in their household and communities.

Source: www.global-gallivinting.com

Women in Arunachal Pradesh:

It is the women who occupy the dominant role in the social-economic of tribals. Women in Arunachal have been playing a major role in agriculture, looking after live stocks and collection of fuelwood, vegetables etc:- thus, a women’s initiative is foremost in tribal families. The primacy of the female principle is reflected in the general belion among various tribes that mother is the origin of everything. Most of the myths and beliefs are based on female divinities; Sun is worshipped as the omnipotent Goddess and Moon as the God likewise Feminine principle suggests Fire as the female and Ash a male.

The contribution of tribal women to the family starts from childhood and continues unabated till their death. They are independent to a great extent from running errands, household chores, working on Jhum fields/ forests while tending infants tied to their backs or fetching water from riversides. They possess excellent skills in sowing seeds, watering fields, fencing, transplanting, weeding, harvesting and preservation of grains/meats. These women are very good weavers and repositories of cultural and folk traditions. They are experts at traditional style cooking of food and meat, making Apong(rice/millet beers),  etc which are always to be available in respective festivals of the tribes. Women dancing in groups for the prosperity of crops, peace and harmony among community and welcoming of divine spirits is a valuable tradition ongoing since long back. Adi women often lead the ceremonial dances wearing sacred ornaments and Daos (Tribal sword) in hand.

Source: www.global-gallivanting.com

In recent years with development and urbanisation many are facing issues in Education, employment sectors due to the lack of funding, tools and skill developments etc:- realising the importance of women and their problems, Government of Arunachal Pradesh passed a bill for the constitution of the state commission for women in 2002. The bill aims to improve the status of women and to enquire unfair practices affecting women. Various schemes have been implemented for the propagation to empower women and achieve greater heights of success.

Source: https://blog.vivekanandakendra.org

Schemes in Arunachal Pradesh for women and girl child:

Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana provides subsidy on LPG connections to the Below Poverty Line as a measure of relief for women who toil for firewood every day.

Beti Bachao, Beti padhao is a campaign that aims to generate awareness and improve the efficiency of welfare services intended for girls in education and health sector.

Under the CM Vidya Scheme, Rs. 10000 will be deposited in the girl student’s account that passes Class V.

The Girl Hygiene scheme provides sanitary napkins to adolescent girl students.

Under Dulari Kanya Yojana, a fixed deposit of Rs. 20,000 for each institutional delivery of a girl child, which will be used to fund her higher studies on attaining the age of 18 years.

You don’t need to respect women because you have to, respect women because of her hard work for making an income as a wife, caring and supporting as a mother and a faithful serving daughter. Let us propagate this message of empowerment so that we as a whole, achieve greater heights of success in every field.

Swami Vivekananda said that “All nations have attained greatness by paying proper respect to women. That country and that nation which do not respect women have never become great, nor will ever be in the future.”

Source: https://www.siliconindia.com

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