Gandhi Quiz Winner Announcement of Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Week

Blog By - Team MyGov,
December 8, 2018

As the world will be celebrating the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi in 2019, it is important for citizens to get acclimatize with his life , message and philosophy.
To reawaken the spirit of Gandhism in all of us, Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti in collaboration with MyGov has organized the Gandhi Quiz (in English and Hindi) from October 02, 2018 running till January 30 ,2019.

For the Seventh week i.e. from 13-11-2018 to 20-11-2018, the list of the winners are:

Sujatha Mahabaleshwar in Hindi Version
Subhash in English Version


For the Eighth week i.e. from 20-11-2018 to 27-11-2018, the list of the winners are:

Shamli lakhapal in Hindi Version
Pritam Kanti Ghosh in English Version


For the Ninth week i.e. from 27-11-2018 to 04-12-2018, the list of the winners are:

Amit Sharma in Hindi Version
Sunil Damesya in English Version

Congratulations to the winners!

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