IICDC2018 | Announcing the results of the Semi Finals round
The semi-finals of the India Innovation Challenge Design Contest (IICDC), one of India’s premier innovation and design contests, were held recently. The year-long contest has now reached its final stage and what a journey it has been! With over 26511 students from 1760 colleges participating in this year’s edition of the contest witnessed numerous projects that pushed the boundaries of creativity and innovative thought.
The semi-finals of IICDC 2018 saw 62 teams participate across 2 locations – NSRCEL, IIM-B in Bangalore, and Society of Robotics, Delhi Technological University (DTU), Delhi.
Some of the notable attendees of the semi-finals were Dr. Anita Gupta, Adviser/Scientist at DST, Sanjay Srivastava, Director of University Marketing program India, Prof. Venkatesh Panchapagesan, Chairperson of NSRCEL, Prof Yogesh Singh, Vice Chancellor of DTU and distinguished members from MyGov.
The IICDC 2018 semi-finals was unique as for the first time ever with 38 volunteers from TI coming forward to mentor the semi-finalists on technical aspects along with 28 mentors from the start-up ecosystem, the surge in the increase number of volunteers is a testimony to the growing popularity of the contest.
Click here to view technical mentors
Click here to view business mentors
Each team was evaluated on their business model and prototype by a panel of 8 business experts from NSRCEL, IIM-B and 12 tech experts from TI. The criteria included customer validation, business interdependence, price validation, strategic and marketing innovation. On the technical front, the criteria included components usage, prototype completeness, innovation, impact and attitude.
Click here to view business and technical evaluators
What next for the Top 30 Finalists?
The Top 30 Finalists will now get the opportunity to undergo a boot camp at IIMB and a Hackathon at Texas Instruments premises during the month of June. The team will proceed ahead to file patents Indian Patent Office (IPO) for their innovations guided by the TI’s patent attorney. The finals will be held in NSRCEL, IIM-B on July 23rd.
Results of semifinals IICDC 2018
Click here to view Top 30 Finalists.