Indoor Air Purifying Plants for Home

Blog By - Team MyGov,
April 22, 2019

Indoor plants are a great way to include some green element to your house. While some indoor plants are excellent air purifiers, others can give life to the dull corners of your room.

Boston Fern
Nephrolepis exaltata
Sun: Medium indirect light
Water: Keep soil moist
Toxic for pets: No


Spider Plant
Chlorophytum comosum
Sun: Medium/Bright indirect light
Water: Weekly
Toxic for pets: May cause irritation if ingested by pet in a huge quantity


Snake Plant
Sansevieria trifasciata
Sun: Indirect sunlight
Water: Every 2-6 weeks
Toxic for pets: Mildly toxic

Money Plant/ Golden Pothos/Devil’s Ivy
Epipremnum aureum
Sun: Can survive in both bright indirect light and low light
Water: Allow soil to dry between waterings
Toxic for pets: Yes

Bamboo Palm
Chamaedorea seifrizii
Sun: Bright indirect light
Water: When soil surface feels dry to the touch
Toxic for pets: No

Chinese Evergreen
Aglaonema modestum
Sun: Indirect sunlight
Water: Medium watering
Toxic for pets: Yes

Peace Lily
Sun: Bright indirect light
Water: Keep soil moist, but refrain from overwatering
Toxic for pets: Yes

Rubber Plant
Ficus elastica
Sun: Bright indirect light
Water: Water when soil feels dry to the touch
Toxic for pets: Yes

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