MyGov Featured Volunteers

Blog By - Team MyGov,
May 7, 2015


In Focus: Featured Volunteers (Part -4)

As a part of the series to acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of volunteers selflessly contributing their skills and efforts to MyGov, we present the experiences of four volunteers who have volunteered with MyGov:

“I have been a part of MyGov for quite sometime and it’s been really great working with the team. The assigned projects are simply worth working on as these enhance our knowledge about what could be the best possible solutions to miscellaneous problems. It is a really good venture initiated by the government as people are able to give the suggestions thereby helping the officials work towards progressive India.”

3Kishore Kumar Raju
MyGov provides me the best opportunity to be part of our Government’s participative and inclusive decision-making process
Listed below are few amongst many a thing that keep me motivated
– Work is extremely meaningful
– Suggestions are sent to respective ministries and acted upon
– We have already seen action on few suggestions that we presented to Honorable Minister for IT & Telecom Mr. Ravi Shankar Prasad in Nov 2014 at the Digital Samvad
– Suggestions given by volunteers for MyGov website were also incorporated in the recentupgraded web interface. MyGov factors the best inputs and acts upon
– Being a nationalist like any other Indian and also Inspired by our Visionary Prime Minister this is the least that I could do.
– Juggling between Office & Home (doting parent of 3 kids – a 3 year old & 11 month old twins), I always manage to find time every week for MyGov and never give excuses
He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else – Benjamin Franklin
Looking forward to a long-term partnership- Kishore Kumar Raju

“I feel blessed to be in association with MyGov. Connected with nearly each & every Indian through the thread of MyGov one can expand himself/herself in their respective fields & can thus become a proud contributor towards Saurajya. I am not an exception in this connection. Professionally being a teacher, I remain involved in such activities – volunteering in a number of departmental projects – thus making myself available for the fullest development of the country in the complete sense. Come & join MyGov to make our country develop & powerful.”

4-233x300Dr. Pratap Singh Panwar
Kindly accept my sincere gratitude to MyGov and its team as I have been given a great opportunity to contribute my best in volunteering service. MyGov stands the most innovative in terms of engaging people in policy making. While sorting out inputs on 51 topics, which could be incorporated in policy decisions, I feel directly connected with the people, their problems, who desires to have their all leaders should be recognized as reformative, unbiased, qualified, competent for accountable governance and the best policy, they expect from the government.Hailing from a farming village, Chandoli, in Panipat, associated with the service project of Research Centre of Ministry of Agriculture, ICAR- NBAGR and living in Karnal, Haryana, I have never witnessed any such leadership at anywhere, who gives much weightage to a common man’s say in the governance process. Inspired by our PM Shri Narendra Modiji’s call for ensuring Surajya&Sawach Bharat, I hope my little contribution as a volunteer will surely facilitate good governance in its true sense.

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    Ajay Singh - 9 years ago

    Very good platform to post our opinions. Govt. Should take everybody’s opinion in every sector or every field and form a comittee which debates on those opinions and come out with a very apt and practical solutions which would help people and the government. My opinion at present is government should focus on development and kindly help the farmers to sustain this difficult times. Our beloved PM Modiji should visit some major crop hit areas and sincerely give some solutions to their problems.

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    thamban nair - 9 years ago

    India is known for the snake-charming and we all hope that the beloved prime Minister of Naveen Bharath Shri Narendra Modiji will charm the snakes of China and bring back satisfaction in all levels of co-operation and mutual understanding!!!!India-China bhai bhai!!!!!!!!!!

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    RajDev Sharma - 9 years ago

    Congratulations !!!

    The volunteers must be mapped to home page along with their contributions/credits.

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    thamban nair - 9 years ago

    More visits by veterans, ministers, new appt of a governor will change will make way for a revo;ution in Kerala for sure and pray for the same. Jai Narendra Modiji!!!!Jai Amit Shah!!!

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    thamban nair - 9 years ago

    An era ofslefless service has begun.Narendra Modiji our beloved PM has grown from a CFM to PM and a statesman!!!. I am proud to be a volunteer of BJP under his feathers. Every day is a new day adding a new chapter to the administration.Oppn is in tantrums. I request to make the Kerala Mission more important and fetch the chance to get the Kerala , better for BJP, the people of Kerala!!!!!!!!!!!Communication to individual volunteers will do the trick.Hope we can rise to the occasion.

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    priya rao - 9 years ago

    I was always curious about joining the government for a noble cause. This website gave me a platform a voice to my inner soul that my views are valued. I feel honoured that i am close to the government to my people and in this largely populated nation i am making a difference. Not only me but youth like me are happy to stay connected to the government. I truely beleive in democracy rule of the people by the people for the people and i add with the people. Jai hind.

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    Anand Shukla - 9 years ago is one of the best platform I had seen ever, in this platform you can directly connect with and contribute with the government and can be part of the nation success. One of the most important of creating or can give ideas for the govt upcoming projects, when the participant give the ideas it is just like 125 crore ideas can gather and one best idea can be choosen.

    I am very happy to see and contribute to this platform, where it is apporoach is like 360 degree.

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    SUJAN BEHARI ROY - 9 years ago

    I like to participate as volunteer to my local area (Sodepur- West Bengal) for Sachcha Bharat Avijan. Kindly inform me in my mail "" if any one is aware of.

    I do participate regularly by giving suggestions to the different forum.

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    neeta kumar - 9 years ago

    very good forum for creative ideas to share. like to physical contribute to educate and help in skills development program by making health volunteers sufficient in taking care to health of neighbors- at least 10 senior citizens by being soldiers of preventive health. module to enable literate persons empowered in preventive health tips just by 3 hrs training

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      Milan Parakhiya - 9 years ago

      How i join this forum please help me

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    Rakesh Kumar - 9 years ago

    How to become Volunteer for this website?

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