MyGov Featured Volunteers

Blog By - Team MyGov,
May 7, 2015


In Focus: Featured Volunteers (Part -4)

As a part of the series to acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of volunteers selflessly contributing their skills and efforts to MyGov, we present the experiences of four volunteers who have volunteered with MyGov:

“I have been a part of MyGov for quite sometime and it’s been really great working with the team. The assigned projects are simply worth working on as these enhance our knowledge about what could be the best possible solutions to miscellaneous problems. It is a really good venture initiated by the government as people are able to give the suggestions thereby helping the officials work towards progressive India.”

3Kishore Kumar Raju
MyGov provides me the best opportunity to be part of our Government’s participative and inclusive decision-making process
Listed below are few amongst many a thing that keep me motivated
– Work is extremely meaningful
– Suggestions are sent to respective ministries and acted upon
– We have already seen action on few suggestions that we presented to Honorable Minister for IT & Telecom Mr. Ravi Shankar Prasad in Nov 2014 at the Digital Samvad
– Suggestions given by volunteers for MyGov website were also incorporated in the recentupgraded web interface. MyGov factors the best inputs and acts upon
– Being a nationalist like any other Indian and also Inspired by our Visionary Prime Minister this is the least that I could do.
– Juggling between Office & Home (doting parent of 3 kids – a 3 year old & 11 month old twins), I always manage to find time every week for MyGov and never give excuses
He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else – Benjamin Franklin
Looking forward to a long-term partnership- Kishore Kumar Raju

“I feel blessed to be in association with MyGov. Connected with nearly each & every Indian through the thread of MyGov one can expand himself/herself in their respective fields & can thus become a proud contributor towards Saurajya. I am not an exception in this connection. Professionally being a teacher, I remain involved in such activities – volunteering in a number of departmental projects – thus making myself available for the fullest development of the country in the complete sense. Come & join MyGov to make our country develop & powerful.”

4-233x300Dr. Pratap Singh Panwar
Kindly accept my sincere gratitude to MyGov and its team as I have been given a great opportunity to contribute my best in volunteering service. MyGov stands the most innovative in terms of engaging people in policy making. While sorting out inputs on 51 topics, which could be incorporated in policy decisions, I feel directly connected with the people, their problems, who desires to have their all leaders should be recognized as reformative, unbiased, qualified, competent for accountable governance and the best policy, they expect from the government.Hailing from a farming village, Chandoli, in Panipat, associated with the service project of Research Centre of Ministry of Agriculture, ICAR- NBAGR and living in Karnal, Haryana, I have never witnessed any such leadership at anywhere, who gives much weightage to a common man’s say in the governance process. Inspired by our PM Shri Narendra Modiji’s call for ensuring Surajya&Sawach Bharat, I hope my little contribution as a volunteer will surely facilitate good governance in its true sense.

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    Anil Reja Reja - 9 years ago

    since introduction of My Gov almost every day or a routine to share whatever i have learnt in life and counselling people as this country has multiplexes people who need free counseling and all sort of help which can be given by volunteers not every time we are waiting for governments. Being a sensible citizen of this country and Mech graduate engineer i can contribute up to my best of availability -Regards
    My Gov team-Anil reja , Ex ONgcian and social worker

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    Anil Reja Reja - 9 years ago

    . I can never forget the 3rd of January 1994 in my whole life. That was the day my mother, who means so much to me, departed from this world. The loss of my beloved mother and my sister , who was the supreme source. Yes, I clawed my way back to normal life thanks to this ‘world of drama’. It sustained me and provided me with the required strength, power and confidence. i owe the educational trust at Motera for poor and down trodden students , Ahmedabad, Gujarat-link-

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    Dr Swapan Banerjee - 9 years ago

    It’s a great privilege to connect to government; to express one’s ideas of how a govt should work, what new policies it should follow. I have been interacting with MyGov since its inception. I begin my day by blogging on this site before I go out for morning walk. As a Professor I find it very creative and rewarding by communicating with the Gov people have elected. I appreciate Modi dedication to work and innovative thinking. I wonder why India didn’t elect him 5 years ago…..

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    K Venkatesh Karanth - 9 years ago

    I am associated in a charitable trust called KEREKATTE PRASANNA CHARITABLE TRUST(r) for opening a Happy home for disabled & senior citizen in Byndoor of Udupi dist of Karnataka. I am searching a big donor or their through CSR fund to my trust. In lieu of that I could transfer my own commercial land to them for their corporate development. Kindly help as return I get on transfer of my land could be for charity(only interest acrued on the deposit) in consultation with ROTARY BYNDOOR CLUB….

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    Aurobinda Dutta - 9 years ago

    Congratulations to all MyGov Volunteers
    and especially congratulate to my Team soldiers Dr. Pratap Singh Panwar and Binay Kamila.
    Aurobinda Dutta
    MyGov सुझाव परीक्षक, पीएमओ , भारत सरकार

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    purshottam sainik - 9 years ago

    Technical institute students should be made responsible to repair and maintain instruments, equipments and machinery, It will provide them an opportunity to know and understand their job responsibilities more practically.
    At Bhilai Gov. ITI equipment worth 100 crore are lying in bad shape. We can either scrap them and purchase new one in the name of making a model ITI, or use 1200 students to put these equipment in working order free of cost which will give students a life time experience

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    purshottam sainik - 9 years ago

    In Chhattisgarh a training program, where funds are provided by Chhattisgarh government, is cleared in one week, if it is backed by a politician. It takes up to two years for SDI-VTP to function and conduct a five months training program in a village. A clerk sitting at state office can hold any document to delay registration process of VTP. I have the proof. Can we not make SDI-MES Training process better and remove red tape.

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    K Venkatesh Karanth - 9 years ago

    I am born in a poor brahmin family of Sri late K Narayana Karanth & Smt Lakshmiamma in a remote town(Byndoor) of Udupi district. My father expired very early on 30.01.1971, while I was in graduation in the taluka Hq. My father was not willing for my college education, but my mother’s insistence, I could complete my eduction in flying colours. My HUF members were deaf & dumb (5 out of 7 members), resulting me to take up Social works for differently enabled in the society. Improve them Pl

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    SHANAVAS KS - 9 years ago

    I like to participate as volunteer to my local area (Idukki – Kerala) for Sachcha Bharat Avijan. Kindly inform me in my mail "" if any one is aware of

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    MANoj Panwar - 9 years ago

    Minor Change in Adhar portal can make perfect digital India .
    This can be used as a record keeping digital locker for Govt. & Every Indian. This can be Provide finger touch useful information to govt. & every institute or common man.
    By this way Adhar portal work as digital locker for every Indian & all the required things & document can be preserved and kept there by govt./Institute/every Indian. Sir The whole Idea can’t explain in limited words

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