Puducherry Smart City Final Consultative Workshop

Blog By - Team MyGov,
March 16, 2017

In an attempt to finalize a Smart City project proposal to fit local needs of Puducherry, the Local Administrative Department (LAD), in association with the French Embassy and French Development Agency (AFD), organised a consultative workshop on 23rd Feb 2017 in Puducherry. This was the third and final consultative workshop; it covers the project funding and financial implications from the identified smart city projects. It also talked about the convergence of funding from various schemes and programs. Departments such as Electricity, Public Works, Tourism, Transport, Traffic, LAD, and Puducherry Urban Development Authority covering 62 projects were considered for funding under the Smart City project. The first consultation meeting was focused to evolve the vision for the city after deliberation of the city’s SWOT. The second meet was more focused and had experts for each sector namely Housing, Employment, Public Health services, Water, Energy, Transport, ICT and financing discussing the current situation of the city and projects that can improve the quality of living of the citizens.

The Final consultative workshop was planned to discuss the financial viability and other financing options for the Smart City proposal. Honourable Chief Minister, Honourable LAD minister, Chief Secretary, Secretary LAD, AFD Director, Counsel General of France, Department Heads, Government Officials were part of the workshop.