Result of ONGC Innovation Challenge 2017

Blog By - Team MyGov,
January 30, 2018

ONGC launched an “ONGC Innovation Challenge” on MyGov, to seek solutions/ innovations/ ideas from public to few challenge areas in the sector of exploration and production of oil and gas. The challenge areas were:

  1. “Artificial lifting Equipment” for Horizontal Wells (including ESP Pump for horizontal wells)
  2. “Flow Improvement” in Crude oil pipelines
  3. “Data Computation and Analytics”
  4. “Sand Influx Control” during production of Oil & Gas
  5. “Mud Loss in wells” in Western Offshore

“ONGC Innovation Challenge” was hosted on; a platform for citizen engagement founded by the Government of India.  The entries for submission were invited from 18th May 2017 till 7th Aug 2017.

The final outcome of the “Two Stage Evaluation” of the submitted entries received in the ONGC Innovation Challenge is as given under;

Challenge Area First Prize

Rs 10 Lakh

Entry No

Second Prize

Rs 5 Lakh

Entry No

“Artificial lifting Equipment” for Horizontal Wells (including ESP Pump for horizontal wells) No Award
“Flow Improvement” in Crude oil pipelines No Award
 “Data Computation and Analytics” No Award 106389
“Sand Influx Control” during production of Oil & Gas No Award
“Mud Loss in Wells” in Western Offshore. No Award

The name of the prize winner/s is/are;

Challenge Area Entry No Name Proposed Innovation/Idea Prize
“Data Computation and Analytics” 106389 Mr Nirmal O. Ghotekar


Use of visualisation tools, file systems and open source programs for report generation, data visualization and machine leaning operation 2nd  Prize of Rs 5 lakh


ONGC congratulates the winner Mr Nirmal O Ghotekar on his achievement.

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