Smart Citizen Consultations on MyGov

Blog By - Team MyGov,
September 30, 2015


In 2015, the Government of India launched the Smart Cities Challenge to accelerate and inspire solutions to increase economic opportunity, improve quality of life, and create more responsive government. The Challenge will distribute central government funding to 100 cities over three years as part of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ambitious new Smart Cities Mission.

The India Smart Cities Challenge is a competition for municipal leaders and their partners to promote economic opportunity in India, improve governance, and produce better results for residents. During the competition, cities will formulate a unique vision, mission and plan that reflect their local context, resources, and the priorities of citizens. The best ideas will be selected for funding in Round One. Remaining cities will fine-tune their ideas and resubmit in subsequent rounds of the competition.

One of the very important aspects on which the cities in the challenge would be judged is the transparency, thoroughness and the inclusiveness of their citizen consultation during their Smart City plan preparation process. A Smart City proposal will include a bold new vision for the city, a pan-city initiative drawing inspiration from smart city solutions and an area based development plan which can be, depending on the local context, one of the three approaches – retrofitting, redevelopment or greenfield development. Pro-active citizen consultation is vital for formulating each of these plans and at all stages.

MyGov, Government of India’s online citizen engagement tool, has been identified by the Ministry of Urban Development as one very important part of the process for citizen consultation. In this regard, appended below are two documents which will explain in detail the citizen consultation process that will unfold through MyGov:

1. Ministry of Urban Development’s (MoUD) Office Memorandum (OM) on Citizen Consultation

MoUD issued an Office Memorandum on 23rd September 2015, to the Principal Secretaries (UD) of all the Sates and Union Territories detailing the citizen consultation process along with the various MyGov activities that can be undertaken. This OM is appended below for reference: MoUD Guideline on Citizen Consultation

2. Letter by CEO, MyGov to all Municipal Commissioners taking part in the Smart Cities Challenge

Subsequent to the OM by MoUD, CEO MyGov wrote a letter to the the Municipal Commissioners of the 98 Smart Cities that are participating in the challenge. This letter details the entire MyGov process along with timelines. This letter is appended below: MyGov CEO Letter to Municipal Commissioners

Smart Cities is an ambitious plan of the Government of India and its transformative potential will not be realized without widespread public participation at all stages of the development of Smart Cities. MyGov invites all citizens to actively participate in the various activities that are being undertaken.

All the activities in the Smart City Group on MyGov can be accessed through this link:

  • usericon
    Srinivasan Subramanian - 9 years ago

    Why not the prime minster, when he insists for toilets thorugh out the country to have the roof top of toilet to have solar energy harvesting facility. It will supply electricity to the toilet and the nearby areas. Think and implement this suggestion. So much of solar energy can be tapped.

  • usericon
    Srinivasan Subramanian - 9 years ago

    think in the lines of installing solar panel on rail tops to feed/supply harvested electricity from roof top for supply of electricity to compartments. Each and every play ground/park/garden must have harvesting structure for air, water, electricity, clear walkway, etc. This has been advocated by our hindu forefathers thousands of years ago calling PANCHA BOOTHAM. Utilize this with the modern concept and our forfather’s idea to make our country self sufficient in all areas.

  • usericon
    Srinivasan Subramanian - 9 years ago

    Who said the park is meant for only lung space. If you thing big it can be used minimum of five times. As we call PANCHA BOOTHAM, the play area, common area, park can be used for a. harvesting solar energy (agni), b. Harvesting water (neer), c. free air (vaayu), d. Open space (agayam over open space) and d. open space/park (nilam). think in this line and use and harvest all natural resources from each of these open areas. It make the city of chennai self sufficient.

  • usericon
    ravi misra - 9 years ago

    please let me know when JHANSI is put in here? by sms or by mail

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    Reshma Thomas - 9 years ago

    Respected Sir,

    I just want to give a suggestion. Can India become BANNER FREE. Because of banners and hoardings everywhere, things look so dirty. Students are told not to write on walls, then why ministers are not taught the same, not to stick on walls. And can all the dirty stuffs be cleared by re-painting them.

  • usericon
    ravi misra - 9 years ago

    The govt of India has selected 100 cities for upgrading to Smart City It is a matter of great shock that only few cities are available for comment my city JHANSI which has good ranking is not being shown. If a portal has been launched it should be ensured that all the cities are open for comment.Is this the example of Digital Iddia???Please do whatever in whole shape not in pieces it gives bad name and doubt It is the only city of Bundelkhand region selected and I doubt if there is planning

  • usericon
    G D - 9 years ago

    Hello Team

    I have made a general proposal, which is applicable for all corporations in India.
    Very fundamental issues relating safety and quality infrastructure. I would smart becomes least priority before this essential, quality, and safety.
    Though this presentation is in Tamil, attached image slides are explanatory. If insisted, i can it for English as well. Thank you

  • usericon
    sandhyasantani - 9 years ago

    THe clean Environment & eco friendly solapur city should be water supply city in 24 hours.In city has good education facility system.The good hospital facility in solapur city

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    sanjay gupta - 9 years ago

    Can India thing about starting Agriculture Banks offering cash as interest on deposits of Agro produce. This bank will offer jobs for Agriculture graduates…..

  • usericon
    sanjay gupta - 9 years ago

    There is a need to call for Smart Villages….

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