Winner Announcement of Swaraj Quiz Series

Blog By - Team MyGov,
September 15, 2022

“Swaraj: Bharat ke Swatantra Sangram ki Samagra Gatha” is a 75-episodic mega serial that brings to life the stories of the unsung heroes who sacrificed and fought for India over 450 years ago but remained unheard and unknown to this day despite their sacrifices. Against the context of key events and an ever–advancing colonizing force, “Swaraj” relives the stories of unsung heroes who fought for the idea of “Swa” – swabhoomi, swabhasha, swadharm, swadheenta. In this journey of Swaraj, centuries will pass, and eras will change, but India will never forget about the sacrifices made by our warriors who fought for our “SWARAJ” – an emergence of a nation of heroes.

“स्वराज: भारत के स्वतंत्रता संग्राम की समग्र गाथा” 75-एपिसोड वाला एक मेगा धारावाहिक है, जो उन गुमनाम नायकों की कहानियों पर आधारित है जिन्होंने 450 साल से अधिक अवधि के दौरान देश के लिए लड़ाई लड़ी तथा कुर्बानी दी। लेकिन उनका बलिदान आज भी अनसुना और अज्ञात है। प्रमुख घटनाओं के संदर्भ में और लगातार बढ़ती उपनिवेशवादी ताकत के खिलाफ “स्वराज” उन गुमनाम नायकों की कहानियों को फिर से जीवंत करती है जिन्होंने “स्व” के लिए लड़ाई लड़ी – स्वभूमि, स्वभाषा, स्वधर्म, स्वाधीनता। स्वराज की इस यात्रा में, सदियां बीतेगी, युग बदलेंगे, लेकिन भारत  “स्वराज”- वीरों के एक राष्ट्र का उदय के लिए संघर्ष करने वाले हमारे योद्धाओं के बलिदानों को कभी नहीं भूलेगा।

The telecast timing of “Swaraj” is from 9:00 PM to 10:00 PM every Sunday and the “Swaraj Quiz” is aired on DD National after the telecast of an episode of “Swaraj”.  The quiz on MyGov starts at 10:03 PM every Sunday and the entries closes at 10:00 PM every Wednesday.   In the Quiz, 3 questions are asked based on that particular episode and 4 options are presented for each question, respectively. 10 winners are chosen through a lucky draw amongst all those who participate in the Swaraj Quiz and select the correct answer to the question. Names of the previous week’s winners are presented on  DD National screen after airing that day’s weekly “Swaraj” episode.

“स्वराज” के प्रसारण का समय रात 9:00 बजे से रात 10:00 बजे तक है और “स्वराज क्विज़” का प्रसारण “स्वराज” के एक एपिसोड के प्रसारण के बाद प्रत्येक रविवार को डीडी नेशनल पर प्रसारित किया जाता है। माईगव पर  क्विज़ प्रत्येक रविवार को रात 10:03 बजे शुरू होगा और प्रविष्टियां प्रत्येक बुधवार को रात 10:00 बजे तक दी जा सकेगी | “स्वराज” क्विज़  में उस विशेष एपिसोड के आधार पर 3 प्रश्न पूछे जाते हैऔर प्रत्येक प्रश्न के जवाब के लिए 4 विकल्प प्रस्तुत किए जाते है।  लकी ड्रॉ के माध्यम से स्वराज क्विज़ में सही जवाब देने वाले सभी दर्शकों में से 10 विजेताओं का चयन किया जाता है। साप्ताहिक “स्वराज” एपिसोड के प्रसारण के बाद उनके नाम डीडी नेशनल स्क्रीन पर दिखाए जाते है।

Click on the link given below to see the list of Winners of the Swaraj Quiz Series:

Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 1
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 2
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 3
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 4
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 5
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 6
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 7
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 8
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 9
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 10
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 11
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 12
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 13
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 14
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 15
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 16
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 17
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 18
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 19
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 20
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 21
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 22
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 23
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 24
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 25
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 26
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 27
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 28
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 29
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 30
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 31
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 32
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 33
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 34
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 35
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 36
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 37
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 38
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 39
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 40
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 41
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 42
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 43
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 44
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 45
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 46
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 47
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 48
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 49
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 50
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 51
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 52
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 53
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 54
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 55
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 56
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 57
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 58
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 59
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 60
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 61
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 62
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 63
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 64
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 65
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 66
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 67
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 68
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 69
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 70
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 71
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 72
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 73
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 74
Winners of Swaraj Quiz – Episode 75

MyGov and DD congratulates all the winners and wishes all the best to the participants of Swaraj Quiz.

माईगव और दूरदर्शन की ओर से सभी विजेताओं को बधाई एवं स्वराज क्विज में भाग लेने वाले सभी प्रतिभागियों को शुभकामनाएं।

MyGov invites all to participate in the Swaraj quiz and win a chance to have a participation certificate, and if won, get a chance to have his/ her name featured on Doordarshan screen.

माईगव सभी को स्वराज क्विज ( में भाग लेने और भागीदारी प्रमाण पत्र प्राप्त करने के लिए आमंत्रित करता है, एवं विजेताओं का नाम दूरदर्शन पर फीचर्ड किया जाएगा।

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