Are You a MyGov Bondhu?

Blog By - Team MyGov,
June 24, 2019

With the objective of ensuring a citizen centric governance, Government of Assam, under the leadership of Hon’ble CM Shri Sarbananda Sonowal, stepped into the digital space through MyGov Assam web portal. MyGov Assam undertakes several initiatives where citizens can voice their opinions or send feedback. One of such initiatives is MyGov Bondhu.


What is MyGov Bondhu?

‘MyGov Bondhu’ is a title bestowed upon users who have been active throughout the month across all MyGov Assam digital platforms, in form of voicing their opinions, participating in contests, tagging on social media or sharing information published by MyGov Assam. The purpose of awarding the title is to identify and appreciate their association with MyGov Assam. MyGov Bondhus are awarded with citations every month.


How can you become a certified MyGov Bondhu?

  1. Participate in online / offline contests & activities launched by MyGov Assam
  2. Send suggestions or feedback on the portal
  3. Share social media content
  4. Tag MyGov Assam on Social Media

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