Essays on Indian Constitution and Fundamental Duties

Blog By - Team MyGov,
November 25, 2020

Celebrating the 70th anniversary year of the adoption of the Indian Constitution by the Constituent Assembly, an Essay Competition was hosted on MyGov across thematic areas of Indian Constitution, Fundamental Duties, Judicial Dynamics, Securing Rights, Role of Citizens Duty etc. An overwhelming response of 8175 entries were received across the country which were divided into three categories : Junior, Senior and Open category for declaring the Winners. 3 winners in each category were declared here at –

Some snippets of the Winning Essays are as follows:

Aniksha Chandna, 2nd Prize in Junior Category

To value and preserve the rich heritage of the mosaic that is India should help to weld our people into one nation but much more than article 51A will be needed to treat all human beings equally, to respect each religion and to confine it to the private sphere and not make it a bone of contention between different communities of this land. The most important task before us is to reconcile the claims of the individual citizen and those of the civic society. To achieve this, it is important to orient the individual citizen to be conscious of his social and citizenship responsibilities and so shape the society that we all become solicitous and considerate of the inalienable rights of our fellow citizens. Therefore, awareness of our citizenship duties is as important as awareness of our rights.”

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Nairul SK, 3rd Prize in Senior Category

It is universal fact that by being national duty-bound, the national rights automatically reach to us, the citizens. The dedicating reformer, Gandhiji guided that “the true source of right is duty. If we all discharge our duties, rights will not be far to seek. We, the citizens must learn extraordinary lessons from Guru Nanak, Guru Gobind and Guru Arjan to write” no one is my enemy, no one is a stranger, I’m connected with all” and in the same stretch, we the citizens need to recall Tagore’s resonant “ come Aryans, come non-Aryans/ Hindu and Mussalman/ come today Englishmen/ come Christian/ come Brahmin cleansing your mind/ join hands with all” wherein both are subordinate upon the vital role of citizens from every periphery, irrespective of religions, colours, caste or ethnicity.

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Sakshi Arora, 1st Prize in Open Category

The relation between rights and duties it is pertinent to mention here that the One’s right is other’s duty and it is obligatory to a citizen that while enjoying the rights one should also follow its duty in order to respect other individual, family, society and the nation. One cannot enjoy the rights without performing the duties. The fundamental rights are protected by the highest court of India under Article 32 of the Constitution of India and the duties implied from the fundamental rights are obligatory in nature. The other rights enshrined in the Constitution of India are Constitutional rights and the duties in Chapter IV-A which are fundamental duties are not legal obligation but moral and social obligation. The DPSP given under Chapter IV of the Constitution of India are not enforceable by the Law these are guidelines for the Government. We secure the rights of other by performing our duties.

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All winning essays are mentioned below-

Riddhi Hasmukhbhai Solanki, 2nd Prize in Junior Category,  read here  –

S.Y. Pavithran, 3rd Prize in Junior Category, read here –

Pulak Mohanty, 1st prize in Senior category, read here –

Bhavil Pisal, 2nd Prize in Senior Category, read here –

Sumit Kumar, 2nd Prize in Open Category, read here –

The level of enthusiasm showcased by each participant demonstrated the amount of talent that exists in our country. Keep visiting MyGov and continue taking part in such activities in the future as well!

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