Here are the Winners of Itanagar’s Smart City Engagement Activities
Our city, Itanagar, faces a wide range of developmental challenges that need to be undertaken right away in order to progress and evolve for the betterment of the city and its residents. India’s Smart Cities Challenge is a major step in this direction, and will definitely help us go a long way in addressing these issues.
According to our Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s policies, the Smart City Project needs to involve five important instruments – information and communications technology (ICT), use of clean technologies, smart governance, private sector involvement and citizen participation.
While all other aspects are being worked upon, it is citizen participation which is pivotal in all of this.
Citizen Engagement Activities Conducted:
Itanagar Municipal Council have been actively engaging in both online and offline citizen engagement and receiving tremendous response from citizens through Citizen Workshops, Citizen Surveys, Social Media Platforms (Facebook/Twitter) and Print Media. Tremendous efforts have been made to reach out to maximum number of citizens through various Citizen Workshops, Essay and Painting competitions for students in schools, Smart Itanagar Logo Design Competition, Vision Design Competition, Roadshows, Opinion polls, social media, household surveys, stall at the Statehood Day event. Here’s a look into the results of the Citizen Engagement activities conducted so far.
To realize the maximum possible participation, the Itanagar Municipal Corporation (IMC) had organized competitions for students and all other residents of Itanagar city, offering them an opportunity to communicate their vision and interpretation of a Smart City.
Painting and Essay Writing Competition –
Hosted by the Itanagar Municipal Corporation, the painting and essay writing competition accepted entries till the 3rd of February 2017. All students of Class IX to Class XII studying in Itanagar were eligible to participate and upload their entries on the MyGov website, or submit it in person at the Itanagar Municipal Corporation or to their respective School Principals.
Around 350 essays and paintings titled “My Dream Smart City: Itanagar” or “Mera Sapno ka Smart Sheher: Itanagar” were submitted to the IMC through online and offline media. All the entries were pleasing and precisely depicted the dreams and aspirations of the youngest lot of citizens for Itanagar. In fact, such was the brilliant nature of many of the entries that it was no less than a dilemma to finalize on the best ones. However, a clear decision was arrived at, and here are the ones who took the top honours –
Essay Competition
The First Prize winner, Miss Hage Yasum, won Rs. 5000/- in prize money
The first runner up, Kumari Kiran Kumari, won Rs. 3000/- in prize money
The second runner up, Miss Ruby Potom, won Rs. 2000/- in prize money
Painting Competition
The First Prize with Prize Money of Rs. 5000/- went to Kr. Souvik De
The Second Prize with Prize Money of Rs. 3000/- went to Miss Ngurang Martha
The Third Prize with Prize Money of Rs. 2000/- went to Shri Kabak Raju
Besides, many consolation prizes, certificates of participation, and special prize to the school with the maximum number of entries, have also been awarded.
Logo Designing Competition –
A futuristic logo design competition for Smart City Itanagar was held, and was open to all Indian nationals. Submissions were closed on the 3rd of February 2017. The best logo will be used by the Itanagar Municipal Council for promotional and display purposes for the Smart City Project.
All submissions were to be uploaded on the MyGov website or mailed to CMEO, Itanagar Municipal Council. This activity saw tremendous citizen engagement, and an impressive 145 entries were received by the IMC.
Jigna Dand took the first position, with Rs. 5000/- as the prize money.
Shreya Singh took the second position, with Rs. 3000/- as the prize money.
Pooja Gangwani took the third position, with Rs. 2000/- as the prize money.
Vision Statement Contest –
This contest required the participants to deliver an inclusive vision statement in about 100 words, providing a strategic direction and describing what they as citizens want the city of Itanagar to achieve in the future. The contest, like the previous two, was open to all Indian nationals till the 3rd of February 2017.
IMC received a total of 100 submissions for the Vision Statement Contest of Smart City Itanagar. The best shortlisted vision statement will be used by the Itanagar Municipal Council for promotional and display purposes for the Smart City Project.
First Prize of Rs. 5000/- has been awarded to Subodh Kumar Suman.
Second Prize of Rs. 3000/- has been awarded to Charu Borasi.
Third Prize of Rs. 2000/- has been awarded to Nikrun Bul.
Winners of all the three competitions are as announced above, and the prizes will be awarded this month.
Winners, please intimate the address and contact no. so you can be contacted for collection of prizes.
To all the citizens of Itanagar and those who took part, we thank you for your participation and urge all to share their valuable opinion on the Smart City activities at Itanagar and participate even more in the next round of Citizen Engagement activities this month.
We believe that engaging our fellow citizens is especially important so as to reflect their aspirations and ideas in our developmental activities, and build a Smart City by consulting with the local communities in Itanagar. Congratulations to all the winners!
We hope to return with more such engagement activities for our residents in the near. In the meanwhile, stay updated with all that is going on by Liking and Following the official Facebook page –