Radio Talk Show – Preparation of Smart City Proposal for Pasighat

Blog By - Team MyGov,
March 11, 2016


Pasighat has been selected under 23 Fast track cities for the Smart Cities Mission, Government of India in which a revamped proposal is to be submitted before 15th April 2016.

In this regard, Pasighat Municipal Council organized a radio Talk show in the form of Group Discussion to elicit Citizen Participation& Engagement in the preparation of new Smart City Proposal. This Group Discussion was attended by:-

1) MLA, Pasighat as public representative
2) Municipal Executive Officer, Pasighat as representative of the organization
3) Smart City Mission officer as Subject Expert.

The participants discussed about the various prospects of making Pasighat a smart city. There were discussions and deliberations on the gaps identified by Govt. of India on previous proposal and way forward on rectifying these gaps. This talk show was organized at All India Radio headquarters, Pasighat.

The video of this Group Discussion is available at:

All are requested to watch this video and actively participate through asking questions & giving comments. You can also give your suggestions and feedback at phone number 8575823996. All your questions will be timely answered and suggestions will be taken into consideration while preparing new Smart City Proposal. Everyone must come forward in this bid to make your Pasighat a model smart city.

The last date to submit your suggestions / comments is 17th March, 2016.

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    Mary tayeng_1 - 8 years ago

    pasighat is rich in flora and fauna.if pasighat got select in 23rd fast track smart city here we can developed it center of tourism infarction because there is lot of unexplored place,animal, plants are hiding here through this project we explore it.if we deeply work out here there is a lot of sources generate revenue for our nation,state,or for our own home town pasighat. i think its a land of paradise.

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    Maya Sonar - 8 years ago

    as far top on drainage system we need to be redeveloped or maintenance of old and damage road and drain which lead to water logging that lot of problem and traffic problem at town area during monsoon period. our govt doing work on this propose as per their level best.

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    Maya Sonar - 8 years ago

    in point of tourism pasighat is a good place. the mighty river siang is one propose, here we can introduces camp like rappting, hacking, sport, etc.through which we can generate revenue. another thing is that we can establish small wind mill to meet up power supply reason that wind blow throw out the year on siang river bank.

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    sam tayeng - 8 years ago

    peoples are using smartphones,computer and internet in pasighat which became the main sources of for communication in pasighat. which is a good thing for the people. ad far drainage problems, its have been solved it many places.

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    Tony Koyu - 8 years ago

    e-governance is an important aspect that Pasighat needs to focus on as well. The official website of Pasighat is not up-to-date with a lot of grammatical and spelling mistakes and is in urgent need of up-gradation. The website must be user-friendly, more attractive, have facilities for online registration of ILP, have the contact details of hotels for accommodation, provide more details on packages and a forum for online discussion and suggestions.

  • usericon - 8 years ago


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    Ojing Darin - 8 years ago

    Now a days, in every work need machines but machines are invented by man and hence we can say, “Efficiency is not in the machine, but in the person who use the machine”. Therefore, the only co-operation and hard work of the community can really make pasighat a smart city.

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    Omik Panggeng - 8 years ago

    I would like to draw your attention to urgent need to reform the current municipal system. Under the current system corruption is rampant, and the welfare schemes are abused by corrupt politicians and officials. There is poor planning and even poorer implementation of rules and regulations. I request your good offices to take urgent attention of rampant corruption, official apathy at municipal level to improve the working condition of Indian citizens.

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    Agot Tayeng - 8 years ago

    Redeveloping or maintenance of old drainage system and introduce new system that much better than old one. because at summer there is heavy rainfall in pasighat and rainy water became logging every where around pasighat town. that creat lot of problem for the pbulic.

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    ejum koyu_1 - 8 years ago

    plantation at all levels indoors as well as outdoor should be encouraged, musical fountain and formation, waste products should be segregated as organic and nin organic waste safety of citizens, local astisans should be encouraged, problem of vacate plot filled with garbage should be controlled, foot over bridge at important junctions solar road lights renovation of old water resources, recycling of waste water,reuse of kitchen waste and water in garden, proper water supply and sanitation.

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