Round 3:Final Proposal (Draft) for Smart City Haldia

Blog By - Team MyGov,
December 4, 2015

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Final Proposal (Draft) Pan-city Solutions and Area Based Development plan for citizens

Smart City Mission is now in its final phase of citizen engagement. Haldia Municipality has initiated this process of citizen consultations of the “Smart City Challenge” where the Pan-city smart solutions and Area Based Development proposal has been drafted.

A proposal shortlisted with citizen consultationand put to vote on till 31st October 2015. Citizens of Haldia participated in voting, over 18814 people had voted for their preference to smart city solution and 75,763 people have discussed the issue on

From the citizen aspiration two Pan-city solutions and One Area Based Development proposal has emerged which has been taken for smart city final draft proposal. In the proposal the citizens priority area as follows for

    1. Two Pan-city Solutions
      1. Smart Water Management
      2. Smart Urban Mobility
    2. One Area Based Development

Retrofitting and Redevelopment of Durgachak to Manjushree under smart city criteria

On 30th November, A Smart City task force meeting was held at DM, Purba Medinapur office in presence of Prominent Citizens like District Magistrate, SDO, Municipal Chairman, councilors and other representatives. Smart city consultant had presented the draft proposal of Pan-city solutions and Area Based Development. After that it was discussed at length and the proposal has been put up for discussion by citizen on public domain.

Haldia Municipality believes that citizen inputs can further strengthen this proposal before final submission. So we request citizen to please peruse the draft proposal attached herewith and submit their valuable suggestion to help us improve this proposal.

Click Here to view Presentation

  • usericon
    P A Cariappa - 9 years ago

    Dear Sir,

    I am P A Cariappa, I am very happy that " HALDIA" , is becoming " Smart city"
    and it is moved for " Final Proposal".

    P A Cariappa.

  • usericon
    Rohit_513 - 9 years ago

    There should be separate cycle lanes in the whole city so that commuters can travel to office and moreover through the whole city through bicycles. This wil reduce pollution. Further, overbridge for crossing the road is required as lot of accidents happen at crossings and highways. So the above two things are very important.

  • usericon
    DILIP MANDAL_1 - 9 years ago

    Please demolish the unused dilapidated building at Housing Colony, Durgachak. Those are dens of antisocial

  • usericon
    DILIP MANDAL_1 - 9 years ago

    An unprecedented decision to choose Housing colony area of Durgachak for redevelopment under Smart City Plan, Haldia.

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    GOBINDA GHOSH - 9 years ago

    It’s a pleasure to become a citizen of Smart City like Haldia. Thanks to the Haldia Municipality for preparing an integrated sustainable Smart City Plan for Haldia.

  • usericon
    debabrata das adhikary - 9 years ago

    Thanks to Haldia Municipality for giving due honour to the citizen’s opinion in framing Smart City Plan.

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