Coin a Suitable Name for National Institute of Chartered Program and Project Professionals Contest Concludes

Blog By - Team MyGov,
April 20, 2021

The name contest for National Institute for Chartered Program & Project Professional (NICPP) was launched by NITI Aayog on MyGov platform from 17th August, 2020 to 24th August, 2020 to seek a suitable replacement for the name of the body being created in partnership with QCI and under the guidance of NPMPF Steering and Technical Committees.

The contest recorded sizable participation, with people from across India contributing to more than 1600 suggestions. In this regard, we appreciate the efforts of all the participants and thank them for their overwhelming interest, enthusiasm and keenness in participating in the above contest.

Each entry and suggestion from the contest was evaluated by a committee appointed for the purpose. However, after multiple rounds of shortlisting and discussion, it has been decided not to proceed further with any of the entries as were received against the above-mentioned contest through portal. Post evaluation of all the individual entries, the committee decided to proceed with the initial working name National Institute of Program & Project Professionals as mentioned in the contest brief itself, as the names suggested by the entries received were not aligned by the institute’s vision. No prizes were therefore given through this or any other platform for this exercise.

We would once again like to thank all the participants for their valuable contributions in this regard, and look forward to continued participation from the MyGov community. Further details of the initiative can be found on its website: